Winter Reflections 2024: A Holiday Concert Audio Recording

By Colorado Repertory Singers (other events)

Sun, Oct 6 2024 1:00 PM MDT Sun, Dec 15 2024 11:59 PM MDT

Recordings are for current CRS members only and any collaborating groups for a specific concert. Not for general sale or use. Recordings cannot be published to any social media sites without consent of the Colorado Repertory Singers Board of Directors. Recordings are for archive purposes only. Do not duplicate, share, or sell. Any recording purchases to non-members or non-collaborating groups will not be fulfiled and considered donations to CRS. All sales are final and non-refundable. 

CRS members will be notified when CDs are available. If you select a digital version, you will receive a link to a folder containing a full set of both mp3 and WAV files.

Mailing Address

Colorado Repertory Singers BOX OFFICE P.O. Box 791 Broomfield, CO 80038-0791